Model #1
The first knife I made. Large enough for skiving and bench cutting patterns.
Price - $350.00
"The perfect knife." -- Al Gould

Model #2
Al Gould scaled down the #1 for the small chores. Great for cutting saddle pat's and chap leather.
Price - $350.00

Model #3
Dale Harwood calls this his perfect all around knife. This was the first collaboration between Dale and myself.
Price - $350.00
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Model #4
Dale Harwood recommends this for a one knife tool set.
Price - $350.00

Model #5
Everyone loves this knife. One of my favorite. You can see the Hardwood influence in the handle.
Price - $350.00

Model #6 -- The Big Skiver
After you use this knife you will LOVE the long handle. It keeps your hand off the leather
Price - $350.00

Model #7
This is my bent handle shiver. This has a bend that gives you miles of hand clearance off the leather. The bend keeps the blade from digging into the leather. It is sharpened only on the bottom of the blade.
Price - $350.00

Model #8
A sweet little knife made for Jerry Duncan from Van Buren, AR. Jerry is a local leather craftsman that demands the very best in his leather tools. He says this is the best for cutting patterns at the bench.
Price - $350.00

Model #9
This is, of course, the best of all. I designed this for my bench. The best I've used for cutting knife sheaths. I never return from a show with any of these left.
Price - $350.00

Model #10
I call this "The Best Trim Knife." Ground on one side only, this makes for a right- or left-handed knife that does not dig into the leather
Price - $350.00